Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Monday Night Lights!

The infamous Monday Night training sessions in Clontarf are back! Wahey!

Dominick has kindly organised the use and rental of a high quality astro pitch in Clontarf for all players willing to play Open Ultimate at a high level. The coast is minimal - €5 per session or a bargain of €35 for all 9 weeks. All players from all clubs are welcome. It is NOT DU training but an Open session.

See you all out on the pitch!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

DU are back!

Hello everyone.

We trained before Christmas, we've trained since Christmas (when we've been able!) and now we're starting back into a new season with new goals and lots of hard work ahead. The Ireland trials have come and gone, the three teams are (almost) finalised and now club training will be the focus for most players. Clontarf is our venue and the current 8 week block is sorted to take us through until March (see emails for detail). Let's get a decent turnout!

The DU leadership had it's first meeting of the year two weeks ago and the season's tournaments and goals were laid out. We have retained our excellent coach, Peter Sandin, and the captaincy set up of Niall Harbourne (capt.) and Mark Earley (vice capt.). We have targeted UK Tour 2 and the end of season EUCRs as our two tournaments. Once the light gets better (March) the training will adjust to suit this.

Looking forward to a great season ahead!