This week we are adding another kilometer so we will all be bashing out a 7km run. Along with this we will be starting our strength work. We are gona try get this out of the way at all of our running sessions but this week with the weather not being ideal if you want to get it out of the way in the comfort of your own home it may be a good idea. It consists of....
PlankSide Plank (Left)
Side Plank (Right)
T - Push ups
Cunches/Sit ups
1 Leg Half Squat (Left)
1 Leg Half squat (Right)Full Squat
Lunges - 8 per Leg
Each exercise is to be performed for 30 seconds with a 30 second rest between exercises. We will complete 2 Sets with a 2 minute rest between sets.
Graphics and a short explanation of each exercise will be up on the group, we will hopefully have most people on that by tommorrow night but if you have any questions email dublinultimate@gmail.com
Notes on Squats and Lunges:
Please concentrate on your form when completing these for the first few weeks, even if you have done them tons of times before, it's a definite quality over quantity scenario.
Keep your head and chin up, Back straight, toes pointed outwards (Full Squat only)
Push off your heel, not your toes on way back up
NB Dont let your kness pass over your toes
Head up/chin up & Back straight
Large step forward until both knees are @ 90 degrees
Toes point straight ahead
Dont twist body
Dont let knee pass over front foot
keep front foot flat
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